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What Is Continuing Competency?

The Continuing Competency Program (CCP) is a yearly requirement for Physical Therapists wishing to maintain their license within the province of Saskatchewan. The program must be completed by Full Practicing and Academic licensed Physical Therapists. Physical Therapists with Restricted and Non-Practicing licenses are not required to complete the CCP.

As Saskatchewan's regulatory body for Physical Therapists, the SCPT must demonstrate to the public and the government that there is a formal process in place proving the member’s commitment to competency.  It is important that throughout their careers, all Physical Therapists maintain their competency to practice safely and effectively,
continually learn, develop, and evolve in their practice.  The development and implementation of the program is evidence-based, rooted in regulatory best practices, and tailored to fit within the SCPT’s legislative framework. 

The program does not focus on technical skills or techniques.  Rather it focuses on the more foundational and essential competencies of the profession as outlined by the National Physiotherapy Advisory Group (NPAG).  This approach ensures that the CCP fits the diverse nature of the profession from entry to practice to retirement to private practice to public practice to management to research-based practice.

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NPAG Competency Profile for Physiotherapists in Canada

The SCPT’s Continuing Competency Program is based on the National Practice Advisory Groups (NPAG) competency profile. The NPAG profile describes 7 Competency Domains each with a list of associated Essential Competencies that apply to Physical Therapists throughout their career span. An Essential Competency is an ability that a Physical Therapist must possess to practice safely and effectively.

For further information on the Domains and their Essential Competencies refer to the NPAG Competency Profile for Physiotherapists in Canada 2017.

The 7 Competency Domains and Essential Competencies are:

1. Physical Therapy Expertise
     1.1. Employ a client-centered approach.
     1.2. Ensure physical and emotional safety of client.
     1.3. Conduct client assessment.
     1.4. Establish a diagnosis and prognosis.
     1.5. Develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate an intervention plan.
     1.6. Complete or transition care.
     1.7. Plan, deliver and evaluate programs.

2. Communication
     2.1.Use oral and non-verbal communication effectively.
     2.2.Use written communication effectively.
     2.3.Adapt communication approach to context.
     2.4.Use communication tools and technologies effectively.

3. Collaboration
     3.1. Promote an integrated approach to client services.

     3.2. Facilitate collaborative relationships.
     3.3. Contribute to effective teamwork.
     3.4. Contribute to conflict resolution.

4. Management

     4.1. Support organizational excellence.
     4.2. Utilize resources efficiently and effectively.
     4.3. Ensure a safe practice environment.
     4.4. Engage in quality improvement activities.
     4.5. Supervise others.
     4.6. Manage practice information safely and effectively.

5. Leadership

     5.1. Champion the health needs of clients.
     5.2. Promote innovation in healthcare.
     5.3. Contribute to leadership in the profession.

6. Scholarship

     6.1. Use an evidence-informed approach in practice.
     6.2. Engage in scholarly inquiry.
     6.3. Integrate self-reflection and external feedback to improve personal practice.
     6.4. Maintain currency with developments relevant to area of practice.
     6.5. Contribute to the learning of others.

7. Professionalism
     7.1. Comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
     7.2. Behave ethically.
     7.3. Embrace social responsibility as a health professional.
     7.4. Act with professional integrity.
     7.5. Maintain personal wellness consistent with the needs of practice.
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Each year, Full Practicing and Academic licensed members will be required to provide proof of competency in two Competency Domains. One of these will be chosen by the SCPT - Mandatory Competency Domain - and the other one will be chosen by the member - Choice Competency Domain.

Members will not be eligible to use the same Competency Domain for the following two years unless it is the Mandatory Competency Domain in the current year.  To view previous CCP documents, members can log into their member portal and scroll down on the home page to follow the link "View/Replace Competency Record".

To complete the requirement for the CCP, the member must choose and complete a task relevant to their practice and appropriate to meet the Essential Competencies of the Domain. To facilitate choosing a Task, each Domain has a listing of Suggested Tasks.  The task must have been completed in the past 2 licensing years prior to the year’s deadline for renewal. 

The SCPT Mandatory Competency Domain for the Registration Year 2025-2026 is Management.

Prior to renewal for 2025-2026, you must complete the General Submission Form for the Management Domain and one other Domain to meet the requirements of the CCP.  A task proof document is no longer required and only one document will be uploaded for each domain. 

All annual CCP submissions must be uploaded to your SCPT Member Portal (this is different than your SCPT profile - please see the "Upload Instruction Document" for uploading instructions) prior to completing your annual license renewal each year. If the required documents are not uploaded to your Member Portal, you will not be permitted to complete your license renewal.

The documents can be uploaded at any time throughout the year but must be uploaded prior to licensure renewal each year.

Each year, the SCPT will choose a random selection of 20% of registered members to have their submissions reviewed. If a submission is found to be inadequate, the member will be notified with details of why their submission has not been accepted. If an inadequate submission is not rectified within 90 days of notification, the member will be referred to the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) because they have not met their professional obligations. For further information refer to the Annual Audits section.

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General Submission Form
One General Submission Form is required for each domain selected.  This means you will have two General Submission Forms to upload; one for the mandatory domain and one for the choice domain.

2024-2025 Forms
General Submission Form - Word Version (download and open in Word)

General Submission Form - PDF Printable Version
General Submission Form - PDF Fillable Version (download and open in Adobe)

Task Proof Form/Document

A task proof form is no longer required to be uploaded as the information regarding your completed task is now included in the General Submission Form.  Task proof templates for Positive Self Reflection and Chart Audit are still available on the CCP area on the website and must be completed as the task but are not to be uploaded to your member portal.  These forms, and any others that would provide proof of task must be retained by the member in the case of an audit and will be requested if required.

Potential Tasks by Domain

Any Tasks must have occurred within the past two licensing years prior to the year’s deadline for renewal.  

The Task List is not inclusive for all situations.  Any PT related task may be used for a chosen Domain so long as it is relatable to the essential competencies and meets the needs of the individual PT, their clients and practice environment.  Consideration must also be given to the guidelines that Domains must not be the same for the next 2 licensing years unless it is a mandatory domain for the current year.

List of Potential Tasks by Domain

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 How to Complete the CCP / How to Upload

View How to Upload CCP Your CCP Submission

1. Complete the required documents/forms and save to your computer:
    1. General Submission Form – Mandatory Domain
    2. General Submission Form – Choice Domain
2. Log into your SCPT Member Portal

3. Upload Mandatory Domain Documents:
    1. General Submission Form

4. Upload Choice Domain Documents:
    1. General Submission Form

5. To review your uploaded documents to ensure they uploaded correctly, log into your member portal and scroll down on the home page and follow the link “View/Replace Competency Record (VIEW ALL UPLOADED CCP DOCUMENTS HERE)”

Other forms completed as part of your task should be maintained as the SCPT may request these forms as part of the audit process.

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Audit Process and Requirements 

Each year, the SCPT will choose a random selection of 20% of registered members to have their submissions reviewed.

Each submission audited will be reviewed using the appropriate Domain-specific Audit Evaluation Form.

Once a member has been audited, they will not be eligible to be selected again for the following four years. This will ensure that each member will have their submissions reviewed once every five years, on average.

If a submission is found to be inadequate, the member will be notified with details of why their submission has not been accepted. The member will be given 60 days to rectify their submission. This may include improving their competency experience, completing a new submission for a different competency, or simply updating their current submission to better reflect their experiences and fulfil the audit evaluation criteria.

If an inadequate submission is not rectified within 60 days of notification, the member will be referred to the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) because they have not met their professional obligations.

Audit Evaluation Forms

Each submission audited will be reviewed using the appropriate Domain-specific Audit Evaluation Form. These forms are for the auditor's use only but have been provided so members are able to review the criterion.

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Latest Momentum
Posted on June 13, 2023

The Spring 2023 MOMENTUM Newsletter is now available.
Change to SHA Masking Guidelines
Posted on July 07, 2022

Upcoming Events