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SCPT Bylaw Revision Process

Results of Consultation and Finalized Process
Following the member consultation process (described below), the SCPT Council received member feedback and considered it at its May 22, 2024 meeting.  At that meeting, Council approved the Bylaw Change Process as drafted with the following changes stemming from member feedback:

  1. Require a 2/3 majority vote of Council present at the meeting when approving bylaw changes.
  2. Build into related procedures the following:
    1. Comprehensive background is provided to membership as part of the request for feedback.  This includes full explanation of the proposed bylaw changes including context, risks, intent, potential consequences, etc.
    2. Sufficient time will be provided for feedback (e.g. requests for feedback are not lumped with other communications, a minimum of one-month, multiple reminders, a clear deadline).
    3. Continued transparency within the process which includes ensuring full feedback (not just summary) is presented to the responsible committee and/or Council and that results of the feedback is presented to membership.
    4. Council’s final decision, once made after receiving feedback, and its rationale will be communicated to members.

Membership feedback and the finalized process are described in the following documents:

Member Feedback and Finalized Process

Finalized Process

Council thanks all those who provided feedback on the proposed changes in process.

Consultation Process
Physical Therapists are invited to provide feedback on the proposed SCPT Bylaw Revision Process detailed below.  There will be two virtual membership town halls at which the proposed process will be presented and an opportunity for questions to be answered.  Following the town halls, membership will be asked to complete a survey to provide their thoughts on the proposed bylaw process.

Town Halls:
Tuesday March 26, 2024 at noon to 1:00p.m. - Cancelled

Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 7p.m. to 8p.m.
Town Hall Recording
Presentation Slides

Download a PDF version of the initial proposed process


Latest Momentum
Posted on June 13, 2023

The Spring 2023 MOMENTUM Newsletter is now available.
Change to SHA Masking Guidelines
Posted on July 07, 2022

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